10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Pt. 1

I was unable to make the stop at San Ildefonso Pueblo as it was still closed to the public. Since I had time before I had said I would arrive at Sean and Skye’s in Los Alamos, I made a detour to Banelier.

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - This was not on my list of places to stop and I knew pretty much nothing about it before stopping. Turns out it is another historical native pueblo site. It’s about 1/2 hour from Las Alamos, so an easy detour.

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - View on the drive down to the valley floor

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - near the visitor center

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - near the visitor center

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Tyuonyi

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Tyuonyi

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Cliff Dwellings

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Tyuonyi

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - canyon wall

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - canyon wall

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - canyon wall

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Cave opening

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - canyon wall

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - View of Tyuonyi

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Canyon wall with caves

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - This was a cave I was able to climb into

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Inside the cave

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Inside the cave

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - View out the cave openings

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - View into another cave

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Cave with natural ladder

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Caves

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Another cave I was able to climb into

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - View from cave opening

©10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Loop Trail - Looking into another cave


10.28.21 Bandelier National Park - Pt. 2


10.28.21 Santa Fe