10.13.21 Wrightwood to Death Valley

The journey continues - left Wrightwood this morning to drive to Death Valley.

©10.13.21 Golden Valley

©10.13.21 Golden Valley

©10.13.21 Trona Road

©10.13.21 Trona Road

©10.13.21 Trona Road

©10.13.21 Trona Road

©10.13.21 Looking into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Looking into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Looking into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Looking into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Driving into Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Driving into Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Driving into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Driving into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Road into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Road into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Pantamint Mountains

©10.13.21 Pantamint Mountains

©10.13.21 Road into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Road into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Looking into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Looking into the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Came across these 2 along the way. He is super excited she is across the road. One friend said, “No matter where you drive in California, they’ll be a couple of jackasses.”

©10.13.21 Came across these 2 along the way. He is super excited she is across the road. One friend said, “No matter where you drive in California, they’ll be a couple of jackasses.”

©10.13.21 Entry to Death Valley National Park from the Pantamint Valley

©10.13.21 Entry to Death Valley National Park from the Pantamint Valley



©10.13.21 Driving into Death Valley from Towne Pass

©10.13.21 Driving into Death Valley from Towne Pass

©10.13.21 Road into Death Valley from Towne Pass

©10.13.21 Road into Death Valley from Towne Pass

©10.13.21 Looking into Death Valley

©10.13.21 Looking into Death Valley

©10.13.21 Driving into Death Valley from Towne Pass

©10.13.21 Driving into Death Valley from Towne Pass

©10.13.21 Death Valley floor

©10.13.21 Death Valley floor

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley

©10.13.21 Death Valley


10.13.21 Death Valley - Artist’s Palette Drive


10.12.21 Mormon Rocks - Pt. 2