10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - last beach visit

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - we had a picnic lunch before driving back to Wrightwood

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - we had a picnic lunch before driving back to Wrightwood

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - Marlene checking out the tide pools

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - Marlene checking out the tide pools

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - tide pool

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - tide pool

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - tide pool

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach - tide pool

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach

©10.06.21 Topanga State Beach

©10.06.21 Halloween has arrived in Wrightwood

©10.06.21 Halloween has arrived in Wrightwood


10.08.21 Wrightwood


10.06.21 The Getty Villa - Pt. 3