10.02.21 Long Beach to Wrightwood

©10.02.21 Chalk art seen on the way back from breakfast

©10.02.21 Chalk art seen on the way back from breakfast

©10.02.21 Long Beach flowers

©10.02.21 Long Beach flowers

©10.02.21 Seen on the drive back to Wrightwood.

©10.02.21 Seen on the drive back to Wrightwood.

©10.02.21 Saw this woman with her 2 horses crossing a busy street in the LA suburbs

©10.02.21 Saw this woman with her 2 horses crossing a busy street in the LA suburbs

©10.02.21 Truck at the camp

©10.02.21 Truck at the camp


10.05.21 The Getty - Pt. 1


10.01.21 Long Beach