07.14.22 Steicamp & Going to the Sun Road - Part 1 Jul 14 Written By Fran Terry ©07.14.22 Steicamp - Tucker Cabin ©07.14.22 Steicamp ©07.14.22 Steicamp - Tucker Cabin ©07.14.22 Steicamp - L to R Tomahawk Tom, Sagebrush Sherry, Jackknife Jeff, Maple Margaret, Tiger Tim ©07.14.22 Steicamp - L to R Maple Margaret, Tiger Tim, Amethyst Adele, Geode Gary ©07.14.22 Steicamp - first, third and fourth generations ©07.14.22 Steicamp - Tucker Cabin ©07.14.22 Steicamp - L to R Hoot Al, Tomahawk Tom, Mustang Mark ©07.14.22 Steicamp -Mustang Mark & Hoot Al - Horseshoe Champions ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Lake McDonald. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do this drive without a reservation or at all. Thankfully, the road opened over the pass the day before and if you wait late enough in the day, you can enter the park without a reservation. Many of these photos were taken without looking with my eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel and the other holding the camera. I think they came out pretty well. ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Lake McDonald ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Lake McDonald ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Bird Woman Falls ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Bird Woman Falls ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - L to R Mt Oberlin, Clements Mountain, Mt Cannon (I think) ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road Fran Terry
07.14.22 Steicamp & Going to the Sun Road - Part 1 Jul 14 Written By Fran Terry ©07.14.22 Steicamp - Tucker Cabin ©07.14.22 Steicamp ©07.14.22 Steicamp - Tucker Cabin ©07.14.22 Steicamp - L to R Tomahawk Tom, Sagebrush Sherry, Jackknife Jeff, Maple Margaret, Tiger Tim ©07.14.22 Steicamp - L to R Maple Margaret, Tiger Tim, Amethyst Adele, Geode Gary ©07.14.22 Steicamp - first, third and fourth generations ©07.14.22 Steicamp - Tucker Cabin ©07.14.22 Steicamp - L to R Hoot Al, Tomahawk Tom, Mustang Mark ©07.14.22 Steicamp -Mustang Mark & Hoot Al - Horseshoe Champions ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Lake McDonald. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to do this drive without a reservation or at all. Thankfully, the road opened over the pass the day before and if you wait late enough in the day, you can enter the park without a reservation. Many of these photos were taken without looking with my eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel and the other holding the camera. I think they came out pretty well. ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Lake McDonald ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Lake McDonald ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Bird Woman Falls ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Heaven’s Peak ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - Bird Woman Falls ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road - L to R Mt Oberlin, Clements Mountain, Mt Cannon (I think) ©07.14.22 Glacier NP Going to the Sun Road Fran Terry