05.03.21 Whidbey to Seattle May 3 Written By Fran Terry ©05.03.21 Fuschia in Al & Cheryl’s backyard. ©05.03.21 Wisteria in the backyard ©05.03.21 Seattle ©05.03.21 Moxie is annoyed it is raining. No sun to bask in. Spent the morning on Whideby with Julie and Trevor. Drove to Al & Chery’s in Seattle in the afternoon. Fran Terry
05.03.21 Whidbey to Seattle May 3 Written By Fran Terry ©05.03.21 Fuschia in Al & Cheryl’s backyard. ©05.03.21 Wisteria in the backyard ©05.03.21 Seattle ©05.03.21 Moxie is annoyed it is raining. No sun to bask in. Spent the morning on Whideby with Julie and Trevor. Drove to Al & Chery’s in Seattle in the afternoon. Fran Terry