04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - Sherman Tree Trail

it was a balmy 28 degrees as I got of the car this morning to set out on my walk throught the giant forest.

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - The red dot towards the bottom of the photo is a pretty big guy that was down the trail from me.

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - The pavers map out the footprint of the General Sherman Tree, the largest tree by volume in the world.

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree - I lucked out with my timing and the sun shining directly on the tree while all else was in shadow.

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree - I was lucky enough to have the trail and the tree almost entirely to myself. One advantage to camping in the park and getting an early start to my day.

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree - old burn scar

©04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - General Sherman Tree


04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - Sherman Tree Trail - Part 2


04.13.22 Sequoia National Park - Drive to the Sherman Tree